Creativity Kindling Kit

Creativity Kindling Kit



This has been one of our passion projects to create this Creativity Kindling Kit for you, our Nomad women. We believe that each of us has an inherent desire to create, and we hope that it helps jump start you to start your own creative path.

We have talked to many of our friends about their dreams and have realized that many like us have been frozen by self-doubt, fear, and purpose. What is blocking your path? What creative goal do you have that doesn’t involve making money or worrying about what others have to say? These cards are self reflection and creativity prompts to help you learn how to address the negative self-talk, help you find your passion, jumpstart your creative journey or unblock the creative path you have been on.

HOW TO USE THESE CARDS These cards have quotes and thoughts to trigger your thinking. At the end of each card, there is a prompt for writing and/or an action item. Tape the 3x5 card you are working on that week on your mirror or wall to remind you to do it. Remember, this process is to help YOU. Customize the assignment to you to get the most out of these exercises. Be creative. If you don’t like something, feel free to change it. What’s included: Prompt cards to do in any order and a handmade sketchbook

Be ready to have some fun! And to create without worries or for anyone! We launched these cards at Silobration at Magnolia in Waco, Texas in 2019 and are so excited for you to get them this year in 2020. We have a lot more time at home due to covid, and maybe you know someone that needs them. Remember, you have what it takes to start or continue your path. Believe. We believe and are cheering for you.

Xoxo, Mary and Melissa Nomad Artisan Company

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